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Curriculum Overview

Whole School Curriculum

At Kelford School we provide a needs-led, person centred curriculum which is flexible and creative that caters for children and young people with a range of learning disabilities including Autistic spectrum Conditions (ASC), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Moderate Learning Difficulties / Complex Needs (MLD). We continue to develop our specific pre-formal, non-subject specific curriculum based on Routes for Learning for our pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD).

We recognise the need for a range of approaches, strategies and resources and the need for Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Parents/Carers and multiagency practitioners to work in partnership.

For all learners we recognise that it is essential to offer opportunities for progression within all 4 areas of need as defined in the SEND code of practice, this is reflected in bespoke planning of termly outcomes for all pupils in their Individual Learning Plans linked to long term targets In Education Health and Care plans (EHCP’s).

We promote the moral, cultural, spiritual, mental and physical development of pupils and prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities of later life. We also acknowledge the importance of developing life skills and that fun and enjoyment is essential to well-being, emotional development and a passion for learning.

We have developed a Curriculum Pathways Framework, to ensure that just as we recognise that the pedagogy for different learning needs should be personalised, we must also recognise that the key skills, communication systems, formative and summative assessments should also reflect progress for each child / young person.

Core curriculum

Pupils engaged in subject specific learning in line with the national curriculum, progress will be monitored through formative (all subject areas) and summative assessment (English and Maths) in the cognition and learning section of pupils Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s).

Alternative curriculum

Alternative curriculum means learning through an alternative model including Routes for learning and a sensory approach, TEACCH and/or SCERTS. Progress will be measured through summative assessment linked to cognition and learning in the ILP’s.

Supplementary curriculum

Supplementary curriculum refers to the therapeutic and additional provision that a child / young person will need to enable them to be ready to learn and / or to access learning. They will have personal priority needs that are central to their learning and quality of life. Such personal priority needs are highlighted within each pupils’ EHCP and will be a central feature of their Individual Learning Plan. Such needs will be met through working with trained professionals either out of the classroom or through a discrete programme incorporated into classroom activities. Examples include rebound therapy, hydrotherapy, sensory circuits, sensory integration and Speech and Language therapy. Progress will be measured through summative assessment linked to ILP’s.

Curriculum Content

Pupils across all pathways will require a range of opportunities to develop key learning skills. They will need to acquire, develop, practise, apply and extend these skills in a range of contexts across the curriculum. Without the opportunity to practise and apply such skills our pupils would be unable to access their curriculum and participate in meaningful learning experiences.

These skills include:

  • Communication skills (including the use of AACs, developing signing skills, developing verbal skills and the ability to reason).
  • Physical development (including positioning, maintenance of posture, muscle tone, ease of movement and fine and gross motor skill development).
  • Personal learning and thinking skills (learning to be independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self-managers and effective participants).
  • Personal, social, emotional development (including self-help, independence, hygiene, self-esteem, working with others, readiness to learn and feeding skills).
  • Sensory awareness (making sense of auditory, taste, tactile, visual and olfactory experiences).
  • Independence skills (linked to preparing for adulthood objectives Y9+).

Yellow Pathway

  • Learners follow a pre-formal non-subject specific curriculum pathway designed to ensure progression of their knowledge and skills within all areas of needs.
  • Topics, Themes and project-based learning are used as hooks for learning to engage pupils; there is no expectation that the national curriculum will be followed, and pupils are not required to take part in subject specific learning.
  • Learners have bespoke outcomes for each area of need set in their Individual Learning Plans
  • Progress within cognition and learning is planned through the use of the routes for learning curriculum tool.
  • Progress in all areas of need will be assessed via the use of the MAPP assessment tool allowing us to celebrate lateral progress and small steps over time.
  • Engagement scales will also be utilised to support assessment.

**** a detailed review of the yellow pathway curriculum is currently a School development priority

Lime, Green and Orange Pathways

  • Learners are engaged in subject specific learning following the national curriculum.
  • Topics, themes, and project-based learning are used as hooks for learning to engage pupils.
  • Progression within ILP outcomes linked to the 4 areas of need & independence will be planned for as part of the curricular offer and tracked through summative assessment of ILP’s.
  • Progress within cognition and learning is planned for through the use of:
    • Lime Pathway: Prerequisite skills framework
    • Green Pathway: Green Pathway progression objectives
    • Orange Pathway: Age Related Expectation objectives (years 1 - 4)

Blue Pathway

  • Learners with complex ASD needs follow a blend of alternative and core curriculum depending on their needs.
  • Topics, themes, and project-based learning are used as hooks for learning to engage pupils.
  • Learners are engaged in subject specific learning following the national curriculum.
  • Progression within ILP outcomes linked to the 4 areas of need & independence will be planned for as part of the curricular offer and tracked through summative assessment of ILP’s.
  • A TEACCH approach (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communications Handicapped Children) is utilised to promote meaningful engagement in activities, flexibility, independence, and self-efficacy as well to help them have a better understanding of his/her environment
  • A SCERTS approach (Social communication, emotional regulation and transactional support) is followed to ensure pupils have opportunities to progress with their ability to interact socially, and regulate their emotions and to ensure that supports are put in place to respond to the child’s interests and modify and adapt the environment to enhance learning
  • Progress within cognition and learning is planned for using the autism progression framework, which is based on the SCERTS model.

Some learners on the blue pathway will also have subject specific cognition and learning outcomes. (taken from the lime, green or orange pathway).

Curriculum in the Key Stages

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Foundation Stage encourages our children to develop the fundamental and pre-requisite skills for all future learning. Each child will be acknowledged as an individual, with individual strengths and needs, encouraged at all times to develop their experiences, skills, knowledge and understanding. They will have access to an interactive curriculum based on the ‘Development Matters’ and Early Support Developmental Journal Framework. Emphasis is also placed on the development of the pre intentional and intentional communication, which underpins all that we do.

Key Stages 1, 2 and 3

Balancing the needs of the pupils and the statutory entitlement of the National Curriculum requirements underpins the curriculum for 5–14 year old pupils. At Kelford School we embrace the philosophy that children are active learners and learn best when they are interested, motivated and inspired. Within each classroom there will be age appropriate continuous provision, ‘Learning through play’ remains important throughout the Primary Department where children have planned opportunities to learn independently and develop their own interests. Class Teams are expected to organise their learning environment to reflect children’s interests and allow equality of access for independent learning.

Class Teams are expected to know and understand how each child learns best within their class through sharing information and careful analysis of observations. It is expected that a range of teaching strategies will be employed within each lesson to address the learning styles of each pupil.

Every pupil receives their entitlement to 2 hours of high quality Physical Education and 1 hour of Religious Education.

We use Read Write Inc for our phonics and literacy materials in Key Stage 1.  This is currently being rolled out across whole school.

KS2 and KS4 Results

As a special school for young people with significant learning difficulties and complex medical needs our students are disapplied from completing statutory assessments.

Key Stage 4

The Key Stage 4 curriculum focuses on developing the six Key Skills in ways that develop our pupils as independent, active and valued citizens within our school. The curriculum includes English, Maths, RE, PE, PSHE, Citizenship, Work Related Learning, Lifeskills and Thematic work (incorporating Expressive Arts, Science, Geography, History, Music and ICT).

The cross-curricular Key Skills are developed across all these subjects and areas of learning. These are Communication, Numeracy, ICT, Problem Solving, Working with Others and Improving own Learning and Performance. ASDAN Transition Challenge is used to accredit pupils’ learning and achievements at Key Stage 4 and links with Sixth Form support post school progression.

With Key Stage 4, students can begin their journey towards achieving the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. They could then progress to the Silver Award in Sixth Form.

Sixth Form 16-19 Study Programme

The Sixth Form curriculum focuses on developing students’ ability to make choices and decisions about their lives, and developing the confidence, skills and independence, attitude and communication skills to succeed as young adults. The curriculum includes Expressive Arts and Music, PE, Life Skills, English, Maths, PSHE, Work Related Learning (Fitness and Leisure, Enterprise, Careers and Work Experience), College Courses.

All students are given the opportunity to take part in other meaningful non-qualification activity alongside work experience. For example:

  • activities to develop confidence, character and resilience e.g. Duke of Edinburgh
  • group work to develop team working, communications skills, leadership and problem solving – skills that employers often say are lacking in school and college leavers
  • tutorials and seminars (including careers education)
  • life skills, such as: the ability to travel independently, how to cook and eat healthily, stay safe, personal finance, or preparation for adult or university life.

These activities help our students to build experience for their CV and/or personal statement.

Accreditation in Sixth Form builds upon the work in Key Stage 4. ASDAN Personal Progress - The qualifications have been developed for students working between the now redundant P Levels 1-8 and Entry 1 to have their achievements recognised and accredited. They are made up of units which can be broadly divided into the following areas: Literacy/Numeracy/IT; Independent Living Skills; Personal Development; Community Participation and Preparation for Work.

ASDAN PSD – This qualification provides a framework for developing and accrediting personal and social skills for students working at Entry Levels 1 and 2.

The Prince’s Trust Award, Certificate and Diploma in Personal Development and Employability Skills (PDE) recognises a breadth of personal skills, qualities and attitudes required by employers across a range of sectors.

Students at Kelford School currently follow courses in Work Skills, Horticulture, Catering, Hair and Beauty and DIY on the school site and construction at The Willows Vocational Centre.

Functional Skills Entry Level – These qualifications develop basic English, Maths and ICT skills in every day and practical contexts. Students can achieve these qualifications at Entry Level 1, 2 or 3.


Get in touch

Kelford School, Oakdale Road,
Kimberworth, Rotherham,
S61 2NU

01709 512088