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The layers of reading

Why Reading Is Important and Supporting Language Comprehension

  • Young people expand their language and vocabulary from listening to stories and rhymes
  • Book related talk prepares young people to become committed and enthusiastic readers
  • Motivation – access to interesting and meaningful reading material including self representation. Learn more to know more.
  • Reasonable adjustments – strategies and resources adapted to engage all learners
  • Phonics progression – engagement scales and pre-literate progression leading into systematic synthetic approach. Bespoke delivery.
  • Engagement in reading is one of the most important ways to make a difference to life chances

Ways that we learn

Pre literate and engagement scales


Help me notice the activity in all learning areas

Support me in different areas to look for stimuli

Support me to engage further at a deeper level

Model new skills and knowledge to me


Am I: predicting, expecting or associating the stimulus/activity? Please support me with these achievements

Give me cues, prompts or visuals such as auditory (what they hear), tactile (what they feel) and visual (what they see).

If I explore………   then ………….. will happen. Use cause and effect to help me with my learning and helps with my memory and sequencing.


Support me in exploring a stimulus in different ways

Model outcomes so that I can follow. Low stress high output

Help me understand what success looks and feels like in each area of my environment

Model independence and be consistent with expectations


Recognise behaviours that show I want to explore more

Support me when I want to stop or make changes to the task

Engage with me if I express: ‘surprise’, ‘excitement’, ‘delight’, ‘amazement’ or ‘fear’

Help keep the activity new and exciting


Support me to become actively involved in the activity

I may show intentional changes such as changes in my gaze, posture and hand movement – I AM SHOWING A DETERMINED EFFORT!

I am reinforcing my learning when I maintain my efforts


Reading Journey – supporting language comprehension 

Direct reading instruction: The mechanics of reading inter woven by functional Skills

  • Pre-Literate Steps and Engagement Scales
  • Knowledge of the alphabetic code
  • Blending
  • Segmenting
  • Fluency and Comprehension
  • Or reading journey supports the ability to understand language.
  • We follow or own bespoke progression tracker, which informs planning, sets next steps and informs our overall assessments.
  • Phonics

At Kelford we promote a variety of different strategies to reading and adapt our learning resources to meet our young people’s needs. We make the reasonable adjustments necessary to enable access for all of our learners. We immerse our learners in reading opportunities.

Understanding reading

  • Vocabulary – Give / explain the meaning of words in context.
  • Inference – Make inference from the text. Explain and justify using evidence from the text.
  • Predict – Predict what might happen from the details stated and implied.
  • Explain – Identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.
  • Retrieve – Retrieve and record key information / key details from fiction and non-fiction.
  • Summarise or Sequence – Summarise main ideas or sequence the key events in the story.

Self representation, diversity, a variety of texts and genres

Reading With Your Young Person / Adult

  • Make reading part of your family life - Reading For Pleasure
  • Read whenever you get the chance
  • Bedtime stories
  • Acknowledge the value of technology in reading, EG. Phones, tablets, e-books, web reading
  • Ask questions
  • All reading is good
  • Get comfortable
  • Rhyme, repetition and songs


Get in touch

Kelford School, Oakdale Road,
Kimberworth, Rotherham,
S61 2NU

01709 512088